
03.06.2024 Ferietiden kommer - husk å sjekke tildig vaksinasjonsstatus

26.03.2024 Traveldoktor har blitt valgt som kompetanse-senter for flere internasjonale Top Idrettsgrener

14.10.2017 Dr. Kaehler er nå også godkjent "PETROLEUMSLEGE"

25.09.2017 Influensa vaksiner har kommet

28.06.2017 Sjømannslege-attest høytiden - vi har fortsatt ledig kapasitet og finner alltid en løsning på kort varsel.

24.05.2017 Ferietiden kommer snart, husk at noen vaksineringer trenger flere gangers vaskinering før effekten gir full beskyttelse - start tidlig nok !!

03.04.2017 - Traveldoktor er back to business i Helseparken/Traveldoktor is back in business at Sandefjord Helsepark

28.03.2017: Meeting with good old friends - former Deputy Dean of Mahidol University, faculty of Tropical Medicine Prof. Chottechuang, and honored Prof. Pongrama (Bangkok/Osaka)

27.03.2017: Meeting with the head of Mahidol Travel-Clinic in Bangkok, Dr. Watcharapong

Wednesday, March 29, 2017
7:00 PM

Cafe Tartine (BTS Pleonchit, Exit 4)
Soi Ruamrudee (~100M from Sukhumvit, on the right). , Bangkok (map)

For this month: Leprosy is an important disease to decode how society has constructed stigma against it throughout the history. Historically, stigma against diseases such as Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Epilepsy and mental healh diseases has been important in understanding how society has been responding to these diseases and how we can intervene to reduce the stigma.

In recent years, stigma against HIV, same sex relations and the disability causing conditions are still afflciting the population affected. While Leprosy is declining worldwide, stigma is not.

This month’s talk will be presented by Drs Bipin Adhikari (University of Oxford/Traveldoktor Sandefjord) and Nils Kaehler (Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute/Traveldoktor Sandefjord) who conducted studies on leprosy in Thailand and Nepal in 2012-13.


26.01.2017 Malaria Research at the Thai-Myanmar Boarder. With great help from SMRU (Shoklo-Malaria-Research-Unit/Oxford University)

30.11.2016 Dr. Kaehler will be working in Asia from early January until the end of March (Malaria). Skype- and e-mail consultations will be possible during this time. E-mail correspondence is continuing as usual (expads, travellers, etc.).

10.10.2016 CDC issues Zika special travel considerations for 11 Southeast Asian countries

Ref. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2016/s0929-southeast-asian-update-statement.html

26-07.2016 New CDC-Map of Countries and Territories with active "Zika-Virus Transmissions":

Ref. http://www.cdc.gov/zika/geo/active-countries.html

17.06.2016 Ny artikkel ut fra Dr. Nils Kaehler og Dr. Bipin Adhikari

Hidden Costs of Hospital Based Delivery from Two Tertiary Hospitals in Western Nepal



25.05.2016 Vi har forandret våres prisoversikt for både konsultasjoner og vaksiner for å kunne planlegge deres reisebudget ennå bedre.

10.05.2016 Dengue Feber Update

Bekreftete eller suspekte infeksjoner i verden inntil 04.2016:

Costa Rica (4,865), El Salvador (2,538), Honduras (5,596), Mexico (14,617), Nicaragua (2,510), Dominican Republic (2,509), Colombia (23,833), Ecuador (2,934), Peru (6,254), Argentina (19,451), Brazil (224,064), Paraguay (62,036), and Chile (Easter Island – 40). Dozens to ~ 500 cases have been reported from various Caribbean islands. Elsewhere, Thailand (14,825 including in Bangkok and Phuket), Malaysia (37,190), Philippines (18,790), Singapore (6,373), Sri Lanka (10,312) and Hawaii (the Big Island – 262).


Konsekvenser for reisende til disse landene: Bruk effektiv myggspray (DEET helst >20%) og myggbeskyttelse (spes. dag og kveld)


Ref.: ProMED-mail: vol 46, issue 28 (4-10-16) and vol 46, issue 50 (4-17-16).

19.04.2016. Hepatitt B Vaksinasjon: 90% trenger ingen booster vaksinering etter 30 år.


Ref.: Bruce MG et al. Antibody levels and protection after hepatitis B vaccine: results of a 30-year follow-up study and response to a booster dose. J Infect Dis. (2016) doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiv748 (1-21-16). Abstract.

14.03.2016 Interaktive dengue feber kort - interactive dengue feber map

Thailand: Dengue cases near 10000, additional deaths reported - Outbreak News Today - Google News - 03/05/2016 - See more at: http://www.healthmap.org/ai.php?4071336&trto=en&trfr=en&pid151#sthash.AhWThTfb.dpufInteraktive "Dengue Feber" Kort - interactive dengue feber map

Her kommer en link med et fantastisk interaktiv dengue-feber kort (CDC) som kan sterkst anbefales:


17.02.2016 Zika virus and sex - kan muligens overføres via sex


20.01.2016 ZIKA virus infections: travelling to South- and Central America, CAVE pregnant women!!

- here is a good link with some more information concerning the ZIKA virus.



08.01.2016 - Malaria on Myanmar-India border is 'huge threat'


01.01.2016 - HAPPY NEW YEAR to all traveldoktor friends, and save trips/holidays/vacations... for 2016.

17.12.2015 - Our final article on leprosy. Thanks to all our helpers and especially Dr. Adhikari from Mahidol-Oxford-Research-Unit.
10.12.2015 - World's First Dengue Vaccine Approved After 20 Years of Research

The first vaccine against dengue fever won clearance in Mexico, an initial step toward preventing a mosquito-borne infection that puts half of the world’s population at risk.

Sanofi expects more approvals in “upcoming weeks” for the product, called Dengvaxia, in Latin America and Asia, Olivier Charmeil, who heads the Paris-based company’s vaccines unit, said in a telephone interview. The injection can thwart all four types of the virus, which has appeared in Portugal, France, Florida and Japan recently and increased the risk of “explosive outbreaks,” according to the World Health Organization.
07.12.2015 - Tanzania: "Cholera Outbreaks"

More than 4,400 cases of cholera (68 deaths) have now been reported from various regions in Tanzania, including Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, Mwanza and Zanzibar.

Consequences for travelers: Cholera vaccine is available in Norway/Europe. The risk of acquiring cholera is very low for travelers visiting areas reporting cholera; however, precautions with water and food are recommended throughout Tanzania.

Ref.: CDC Traveler’s Health Alert, 10-30-15.

04.12.2015 - Dr. Kaehler er nå godkjent "sjømannslege"

26.10.2015 - Dominican Republic: Malaria

With 19 suspected cases of malaria (14 confirmed, presumably P. falciparum) in returning Puerto Rican travelers who had visited Punta Cana, CDC has issued a reminder that the malaria risk in the Dominican Republic exists in all areas, including resort areas, with the exception of two cities, Santo Domingo and Santiago.

Consequences for travelers: CDC recommends malaria prophylaxis and mosquito bite avoidance (including for protection against dengue and chikungunya) for all travelers to the Dominican Republic; malaria chemoprophylaxis is not warranted for those staying in Santo Domingo and Santiago.

Ref.: CDC Travelers’ Health Notice and ProMED-mail: vol 38, issue 26 (8-9-15).

16.10.2015 - Reisetiden til værmere strøk har kommet - husk vaksinering med god tid på forhånd !

Mange vaksineringer krever at du kommer innom for flere vaksinasjonsrunder - som betyr at det kan ta litt tid før du er ferdigvaksinert og har full beskyttelse - god planlegging før du skal på reisen er derfor veldig viktig !!

08.10.2015 - Influensavaksinen har kommet, tid for vaksinering før vintern kommer. 

07.10.2015 - Gulfeber (yellow fever)- en kort sammenfattning fra WHO:

  • Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. The "yellow" in the name refers to the jaundice that affects some patients.
  • Up to 50% of severely affected persons without treatment will die from yellow fever.
  • There are an estimated 200 000 cases of yellow fever, causing 30 000 deaths, worldwide each year, with 90% occurring in Africa.
  • The virus is endemic in tropical areas of Africa and Latin America, with a combined population of over 900 million people.
  • The number of yellow fever cases has increased over the past two decades due to declining population immunity to infection, deforestation, urbanization, population movements and climate change.
  • There is no specific treatment for yellow fever. Treatment is symptomatic, aimed at reducing the symptoms for the comfort of the patient.
  • Vaccination is the most important preventive measure against yellow fever. The vaccine is safe, affordable and highly effective, and a single dose of yellow fever vaccine is sufficient to confer sustained immunity and life-long protection against yellow fever disease and a booster dose of yellow fever vaccine is not needed. The vaccine provides effective immunity within 30 days for 99% of persons vaccinated.

Ref.: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs100/en/

10.09.2015 - Update for Dengue feber

These countries have reported the following number of cases of suspected or confirmed dengue fever thus far in 2015: United States (195, imported) and, in countries in the Americas reporting > 1000 cases, Costa Rica (1,743), El Salvador (10,811), Guatemala (8,822), Honduras (32,612), Mexico (55,620), Nicaragua (14,786), Dominican Republic (2,780), Colombia (52,508), Ecuador (> 7,500), Peru (32,489), Argentina (2,636), Brazil (1,254,107), Venezuela (14,173) and Paraguay (38,753). Dozens to 943 cases have been reported from each of 10 Caribbean islands, including Cuba and Puerto Rico. Elsewhere, China (Hong Kong) has reported 46 cases (45 imported), Taiwan (216), India (Delhi - 53), Vietnam (8,320; Ho Chi Minh City - 433), Singapore (5,422), Sri Lanka (Colombo, 1,300), Malaysia (67,944), Myanmar (10,918), Philippines (>20,000), Indonesia (Jakarta - 3,714) and Yemen (Aden, > 5,000).

Consequences for travelers: All travelers to affected areas should take standard mosquito precautions during the day and in urban centers.

Ref.: ProMED-mail: vol 38, issues 10 (8-3-15) and 30 (8-10-15).

29.06.2015 - Antibiotikabruk for reisediare: KUN HVIS ABSOLUT NØDVENDIG !!

The development of antibiotic resistance to commonly encountered enteric pathogens is considered an emerging problem in travel health. CDC now recommends that travelers be encouraged to reserve antibiotic self-treatment for severe diarrhea only and use other means to manage mild or moderate travelers’ diarrhea (e.g., loperamide or bismuth subsalicylate). CDC has also re-emphasized prevention measures.

Ref.: CDC Travelers’ Health Clinical Update, 4-21-15.

05.06.2015 - En oversiktlig aktuell vurdering av risikoen for MERS i verden fra WHO


02.06.2015 - "MERS - Middle east Respiratory Syndrome"

Amerikanske "Center for Disease Controll" har en bra forklaring av sykdommen som anbefales for videre informasjon: 


27.05.2015 - The Americas: Chikungunya Fever

Since December, 2013, a cumulative total of  > 1,000,000 cases of chikungunya infection have been recorded in the Americas. Local transmission of chikungunya is now being reported in at least 8 countries in South America, 25 in the Caribbean, including the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, and 5 in Central America. 2,607 cases of imported chikungunya have now been recorded in 46 states in the U.S.  Locally-acquired infections have also been reported in the United States (n = 11 cases, all in Florida) as well as in southern France, including an outbreak of 12 cases in October 2014 that were traced to an ill traveler from Cameroon (Delisle E et al. Chikungunya outbreak in Montpellier, France, September-October 2014. Eurosurveillance). Currently, among the hardest hit countries in terms of the cumulative number of suspected cases are:  El Salvador (145,809), Guatemala (32,299), Nicaragua (19,544), Honduras (as many as 50,000), Dominican Republic (539,144), French Guiana (14,770), Puerto Rico (27,101), St. Martin (> 5,296), Colombia (295,426), Haiti (> 6,695) and Venezuela (> 34,642).

Consequences for travelers: Travelers to these regions should protect themselves by avoiding mosquito bites.

Ref.: tropimed.com (ProMED-mail: vol 35, issues 13 (5-4-15) and 37 (5-11-15))

28.04.2015 - Dr. Adhikari er på veien til Nepal for å hjelpe etter jordskjelven. Han har jobbet med "Leger Uten Grenser" i 2014 og har god erfaring med katastrofemedisin. Vi ønsker han  alle det beste for sin ekstrem vanskelig arbeid utover neste tiden.

23.04.2015 - Ingen sammenheng mellom MMR vaksine og autisme

En ny studie i "The Journal of the American Medical Association" (JAMA) viser ingen sammenheng mellom MMR-vaksine (kusma, meslinger og røde hunder) og autisme. 

- Falsk informasjon om at MMR-vaksinen øker risken for å få autisme har ført til en global nedgang av vaksinasjoner mot de tre alvorlige sykdommer. En ny studie fra JAMA bekrefter nå at det ikke finnes noe tegn på en sammenheng mellom vaksinen og autisme (April 21, 2015, Vol 313, No. 15).

14.04.2015 - "Omtrent 60 pasienter med Malaria på norske sykehus hvert år"

Det innlegges omtrent 60 pasienter med malariaved norske sykehus hvert år. Tall for forskrivning av malariamedikamenterkan tyde på økende eksponering for malaria-smitte hos nordmenn (Tidsskrift for den norske legeforening, 06/16)

10.04.2015 - "Antall pasienter med dengue feber i verden øker drastisk"


Global burden of dengue 

The incidence of dengue has grown dramatically around the world in recent decades. The actual numbers of dengue cases are underreported and many cases are misclassified. One recent estimate indicates 390 million dengue infections per year (95% credible interval 284–528 million), of which 96 million (67–136 million) manifest clinically (with any severity of disease). Another study, of the prevalence of dengue, estimates that 3900 million people, in 128 countries, are at risk of infection with dengue viruses.

Key facts

  • Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection. 
  • The infection causes flu-like illness, and occasionally develops into a potentially lethal complication called severe dengue.
  • The global incidence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades.
  • About half of the world's population is now at risk.
  • Dengue is found in tropical and sub-tropical climates worldwide, mostly in urban and semi-urban areas.
  • Severe dengue is a leading cause of serious illness and death among children in some Asian and Latin American countries.
  • There is no specific treatment for dengue/ severe dengue, but early detection and access to proper medical care lowers fatality rates below 1%.
  • Dengue prevention and control solely depends on effective vector control measures.

Source: WHO